Midnight |
WiFi |
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Your tasks, done faster. Built around the M2 chip, the redesigned 2022 MacBook Air has an improved CPU and GPU - 1.4x faster than the M1. And that's all while using less power. You get up to 18 hours of battery life, so you won't be hunting for plug sockets. That means it's a powerhouse for editing on the go - whether you're trimming down 4K footage or putting the final touches to an animation. And it's all wrapped up in a super thin yet durable all-aluminium enclosure. Apple Intelligence helps you write, express yourself and get things done effortlessly. It draws on your personal context while setting a brand-new standard for privacy in AI.
Good to know
- Chat to your friends in sharp Full HD with the upgraded 1080p FaceTime HD camera
- For complete colour accuracy when you're working on creative projects, the Liquid Retina display shows over a billion colours
- True Tone technology automatically adjusts the brightness and warmth of the screen, so you can read in comfort
- With improved vocal clarity and Spatial Audio support, the four-speaker sound system will add extra immersion to whatever you're watching
- Touch ID lets you unlock your Mac with your fingerprint, so you can keep your files safe and shop online with Apple Pay
- Connect everything you need (with speed) thanks to the two Thunderbolt 4 ports
- The MagSafe cable attaches magnetically for an easy connection when you need to recharge
- It's compatible with your most used apps, from Microsoft 365 to Zoom and loads of iPad and iPhone apps too
- The 256 GB SSD lets you load up your photos and apps almost instantly
Please note: Apple Intelligence is available in beta on all Mac models with M1 and later, with Siri and device language set to English (Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, UK, or U.S.), as a macOS Sequoia update. Additional features and languages will be available in April, with more languages coming over the course of the year. Languages supported in 2025 include Chinese, English (India, Singapore), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
APPLE MacBook Air 13.6" (2022) - M2, 256 GB SSD, Midnight, macOS 12.0 Monterey, Built for Apple Intelligence, Apple M2 chip, RAM: 8 GB / Storage: 256 GB SSD, Liquid Retina display, Battery life: Up to 18 hours